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Public Law CLEs



“I Can’t Pay That”| Handling Overpayments

1.0 Standard CLE Credit

Many claimants face an overpayment of benefits for one reason or another. This session will review some of the strategies to have SSA waive the overpayment or minimize monthly payments. We will also discuss briefly how to handle delays in processing waivers and mandamus.

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  • Public Law
10 Litigation Tips for Defending Minnesota Public Employers

1.0 Standard CLE Credit

Public employers sued in civil litigation face unique challenges and may assert unique defenses. They are exposed to a wider array of claims than private employers. They benefit from an array of immunities, but sorting through which ones apply can be daunting, and securing the benefits of them at the most meaningful time—pre-discovery dismissal of a complaint—can be challenging.

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  • Employment and Labor Law
  • Public Law
A Series of Unfortunate Events | Planning for and Responding to Natural Disasters in Your Community

1.0 Standard CLE Credit

Communities throughout Minnesota must be prepared for natural disasters before they strike. Climate change is increasingly seen as causing extreme weather events for which communities must be prepared. Learn about what communities can do now to plan for disasters and ensure they remain resilient. Communities also need to be ready to respond to disasters. Understand the legal framework under State law for responding to emergencies and disasters.  Learn best practices in drafting agreements for intergovernmental cooperation. Know your client’s potential liability when requesting or providing assistance in disasters.

  • Public Law
  • Environment and Natural Resources Law
Antitrust and Privacy Collide | Understanding Epic v. Apple

1.0 Standard CLE Credit

Join us to discuss the controversial Epic v. Apple case, and the new intersection between antitrust law and privacy. In the digital economy, personal data often drives competition between online search, social media and applications services. Are technology giants using their size to protect or erode our online privacy on these services? Could user privacy protection be a defense to anticompetitive conduct?

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  • Technology
  • Public Law
Lawyering In The Age of Social Media

1.0 Ethics CLE Credit

This program will discuss how the Minnesota Rules of Professional Conduct interact with a lawyer’s use of social media. An overview of the rules that impact conduct will include Competence, Confidentiality of Information, Conflict of Interests–Current Clients, Trial Publicity (Extrajudicial Statements), Truthful Statements, Communication with Represented Parties, Impartiality and Decorum of Tribunal, Judges and Legal Officials among others.

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  • Public Law
  • Technology
  • Ethics
New Laws | 2023 Legislative Session Recap

1.0 Standard CLE Credit

Join us for an in-depth review of the recently completed Minnesota legislative session. It was a historical session that produced major changes in many areas of civil and criminal law. MSBA lobbyist Bryan Lake will give an overview of the new laws that will transform the state and impact a wide variety of practice areas.

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  • Public Law
  • New Lawyer Essentials
Open Meeting Law Issues and Trends

1.0 Standard CLE Credit

Hear from experienced practitioners on common trip-ups their clients have and how they approach challenging meetings.

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  • Public Law
Overview of Minnesota Adult Use Cannabis Legislation

1.0 Standard CLE Credit

Minnesota Adult Use Cannabis: Learn about the recent changes to Minnesota Law, creating a seed to sale industry framework. An Overview of the legislation, insights about regulation, and what public entities are doing now to prepare.

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  • Public Law
Policing in Minnesota | A Time of Change

2.0 Standard CLE Credits

The last year brought significant changes to policing in Minnesota. This CLE will explore some of those changes, including the adoption of new rules regulating police officer licensure, a change in the way our state handles disability claims for officers with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and the approval of a far-reaching consent decree governing the operations of the Minneapolis Police Department.

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  • Criminal Law
  • Public Law
Scope of Judicial Review of Administrative Decisions in Minnesota

1.0 Standard CLE Credit

Panelists will review the six bases for judicial review under Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.69: in violation of constitutional provisions; in excess of the statutory authority or jurisdiction of the agency; made upon unlawful procedure; affected by other error of law; unsupported by substantial evidence in view of the entire record as submitted; with special attention paid to “arbitrary or capricious.” Panelists will also discuss common ethical considerations for practitioners to be aware of when petitioning for judicial review, constructing the administrative record, and preserving constitutional issues.

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  • Public Law
Senior Living in the 21st Century | The Evolving Landscape of Options for Aging Minnesotans

1.0 Standard CLE Credit

As baby boomers age, they demand new ways of imagining senior living. What will that mean for the landscape in Minnesota in the next 10-20 years? What will be available, and to whom, and how may Minnesota differ from other states? What impact has recent Minnesota legislation had, and how might the law need to adapt in the future?

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  • Public Law
Strengthening our Democracy | An Overview of Recent Changes to Minnesota’s Election Laws

1.0 Standard CLE Credit

In 2023 the Legislature passed three bills that significantly impact election procedures and administration in Minnesota. Several laws already have taken effect, some took effect on July 1, 2023, and several take effect in 2024. Significant changes include modifications to the absentee and early voting process, modifications to the ability of convicted felons to vote, and changes to voter conduct prohibitions at polling places.

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  • Public Law
The Fourteenth Amendment and the 2024 Presidential Election | Can the Insurrection Clause Keep Donald Trump off the Ballot?

1.0 Standard CLE Credit

Some argue that the Insurrection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment can be used to keep Donald Trump off the presidential ballot because of his alleged role in the storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. Cases have been filed in Colorado and Minnesota for that purpose, with the Minnesota Supreme Court hearing a case on November 2, 2023. This CLE examines this issue.

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  • Public Law
The Impacts of Minnesota Adult-Use Cannabis Legislation on the Criminal Justice System

1.0 Standard CLE Credit

Cannabis enforcement and prosecution has been a significant portion the criminal justice system for decades. With new legislation in Minnesota, learn about what’s changed, how expungements will work, what the federal law implications are, and if the criminal justice system thinks this will bring relief to their workloads. 

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  • Public Law
  • Criminal Law
The Informed Practitioner | Academic Freedom and the First Amendment

1.0 Standard CLE Credit

An art history professor at Hamline University ignited intrigue and debate by introducing students to artistic representations of the Prophet Muhammad during class, a move which offended some students, led the university to not renew the professor’s contract, and now serves as the centerpiece for litigation about academic freedom.

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  • Public Law
The Online, Off-Campus Speech Rights of Public School Students | The Case of the Cursing Cheerleader

1.0 Standard CLE Credit

In 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court for the first time addressed the online, off-campus First Amendment speech rights of public school students in Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L.  Known as the “Case of the Cursing Cheerleader,” the Court in Mahanoy failed to create bright-line rules regarding when schools may permissibly punish students in the digital era for their texts, messages and posts on social media platforms.  Professor Calvert will address the Mahanoy decision and place it within the larger context of the Court’s four prior rulings directly affecting the speech rights of public high school and middle school students.

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  • Public Law
West Virginia v. EPA and Judicial Deference to Agencies

1.0 Standard CLE Credit

In West Virginia v. EPA, the Supreme Court relied on the Major Questions Doctrine to hold that Congress did not grant the EPA the authority to adopt a generation shifting approach to combat climate change.  This virtual CLE will discuss that opinion and its implications for judicial deference to agency interpretations.  It will also discuss the current doctrine in Minnesota on judicial deference to agency interpretations and conclude by addressing whether the West Virginia v. EPA case could have an impact on administrative law doctrine here.

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  • Environment and Natural Resources Law
  • Public Law
What Public Employers Need to Know About Adult-Use Cannabis

1.0 Standard CLE Credit

What the new legislation means for public employers, what policies may need updating, and what workplace scenarios you should be ready to tackle.  

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  • Public Law
Woof! Neeeigh! Meow! Snort! | Government Entities’ Legal Obligations When a Person with a Disability Requests Access for a Service Animal or Emotional Support Animal as a Reasonable Accommodation

1.0 Standard CLE Credit

This CLE will explore government entities’ legal obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Minnesota Human Rights Act when faced with requests to allow emotional support and service animals in a variety of contexts.  The speakers will discuss what constitutes a service animal or emotional support animal and will provide guidance about how government entities should respond to requests for reasonable accommodations to allow public access for persons with disabilities. 

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  • Public Law