
Section Membership

One of the best ways to enhance your professional growth and keep your practice on the cutting edge is by participating in Section activities. For just $30 annually, Section membership provides you with a bundle of additional benefits, including free (or low cost) Continuing Legal Education programs, legislative involvement and updates, newsletters and publications providing you with up to the minute developments in your practice areas. Plus, you'll get access to a network of members with the Section list-serve, connecting you with attorneys who understand the unique aspects of your practice area and can help you gain knowledge and insight on the latest developments in the law.


In accordance with MSBA Bylaws, Sections and Committees wishing to file an Amicus Brief or any other action in the name of the Section or Committee must submit the appropriate form before taking any action.

Amicus Brief Form 2023-24

Any Other Recommendations or Actions

If you have questions about these forms, please contact Kara Haro at 612-278-6329.