Bench + Bar of Minnesota

Step in, step up, stand out: Introducing the MSBA Ambassador Program

By Paul D. Peterson 

In a previous writing I shared with you my belief that the leaders of the MSBA are found throughout the organization. It is in the work of the MSBA sections, committees, district bar associations, and our affinity bar associations. In addition, the MSBA appoints members to various boards and committees responsible for various tasks and duties within our justice system. There is another important resource at the MSBA: our staff.

The MSBA does so much daily, weekly, and monthly to move our profession and our justice system forward. Much of the heavy lifting is performed by our wonderful staff. They are an important resource; we are lucky to have them and we invest in their work. These folks are professional and talented. They can be a great starting point if you are looking to get more involved. Our staff supports all the operations within the MSBA. 

Over the years I have had many interesting conversations with both members and nonmembers about the organization. Quite often, the person I am conversing with comes up with a great idea: The MSBA should do this; the MSBA should do that. Often, I have had a ready response, pointing the listener to various committees, sections, etc., where I know that type of work is being done. Otherwise I report back on the conversation to MSBA officers and staff—and I almost always find we are already in the process of doing that which my fellow attorney had wisely suggested. 

So my first request to the members of our profession: Please give us another look. If you are a current member, even if you are active in other areas of the MSBA, the information we’ll be providing through the Ambassador Program is designed to make navigating the MSBA and all that it does easy and accessible. My prediction is you will be pleasantly surprised. 

Find out how the MSBA enhances your practice, helps you engage with the profession, and provides professional support: 

The Ambassador Program is summed up by the following: Use your voice. Share your vision. Help shape the future of the Minnesota legal profession.

Through the MSBA, you can support and shape the culture of the bar, serve the profession, and promote the role and work of attorneys in Minnesota.

Step in to MSBA leadership and showcase your expertise on a wider stage, beyond your daily practice. Influencers, thought-leaders, and decision-makers come together at the MSBA to work on issues of policy, practice, and professionalism. Step up to find a spot that matches your interests. Stand out by taking your talents and showcasing them before the members throughout our profession. 

Become an MSBA Ambassador. Download our leadership guide at:

The MSBA is the voice of the profession. It is the best place for us all to join from our different practices, our different public service-related activity, our different backgrounds and viewpoints. Now more than ever the future of our profession is being made, and we are on the brink of many potential changes in how our profession works. The future direction of the MSBA will be determined by its members and their leadership. Now, more than ever, we need your voice and your vision. 

Paul Peterson represents families in personal injury and wrongful death cases. His office is in Woodbury and he is licensed in both Minnesota and Wisconsin. He is the proud papa of four above-average children and one outstanding dog.

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