The Hennepin County Bar Association is proud to recognize members who provide 50 hours or more of pro bono legal services per year as North Star Lawyers.
Lawyers who serve low-income Minnesotans without charge should be celebrated. By generously donating their time and talent, they change lives. They help people who otherwise could not afford counsel achieve justice. For hours volunteered in calendar year 2022, the MSBA gave special recognition to members who provide 50 hours or more of legal services as defined in Rule 6.1(a), (b)(1) and (b)(2) of the Rules of Professional Conduct. This year, the following 517 HCBA members were certified as North Star Lawyers for their work in 2022.
Thank You, 2022 HCBA North Star Lawyers!
Wade Adamson
Catherine Ahlin-Halverson
Briana Al Taqatqa
Hannah Albrecht
Stuart Alger
Richard Allyn
Mimi Alworth
Travis Anderson
Ryan D. Anderson
Hannah Anderson
Samuel Andre
Jeffrey Ansel
Lily Ansel
Timothy Arends
Landon Ascheman
David Asp
Samuel Audley
Janae Aune
Daniel Ballintine
Blaine Balow
Katherine Barrett Wiik
Anna Barton
Rachel Bates
Kate Baxter-Kauf
Melissa Bayne
Paul K. Beck
Sharon Beck
Rebecca Bell
Brian Bell
Nancy Bender-Kelner
Lee Bennin
Christopher Bercaw
Maureen Kane Berg
Matthew Bergeron
Brayanna Bergstrom
Thomas Berndt
Rebecca J. Bernhard
Timothy Billion
Bert Binder
Jevon Bindman
Catherine Bitzan Amundsen
David Bland
Ian Blodger
Lukas Boehning
Chelsea Bollman
Christopher Bowman
Thomas Boyd
Mark Bradford
Traci Bransford
Maria Brekke
Joshua Brekken
Victoria Brenner
Kevin Britton
Cheri Brix
Trevor Brown
Erin Bryan
Matthew Buckley
Theodore Budd
Bill Burdett
Christopher J. Burns
Daniel Burns
Jamie McCarty
Jonathan Bye
Amy Byrne
Marielos Cabrera
Bruce P. Candlin
Olivia Cares
Andrew M. Carlson
Clayton Carlson
Thomas E. Casey
Anabel Cassady
Robert Cattanach
Eric Caugh
Joseph Ceronsky
Brianna Chamberlin
Grace Chanin
Katherine Chaves
Stephanie Chen
Jacalyn Chinander
Megan Christner
Monica Clark
Marilyn Clark
Raphael Coburn
Michael Cockson
Michael Cohen
Patrick J. Cole
Scott Coleman
Craig Coleman
Kelvin Collado
Amy Conway
Dea Cortney
Christine Courtney
Lillie Cox
Daniel Cragg
Catherine Cumming
Michael Cummings
Joshua Curry
Clinton Cutler
J. Michael Dady
Amanda Daeges
Annamarie Daley
Sarah Dannecker
Andrew Davis
Christian Davis
Spencer Davis-Van Ness
John Degnan
Victoria Del Campo
Christopher DeLong
Nyajuok Deng
Katherine DeVries Smith
Tammera Diehm
Elizabeth Dillon
Brian Dillon
Emily Donaher
James E. Dorsey
Thomas Dougherty
Rachel Dougherty
Logan Drew
Devin T. Driscoll
Michael Drysdale
Robert Dube
Jessica DuBois
Richard Duncan
Tricia Dwyer
Benjamin Eastburn
Nathan J. Ebnet
Francois Ecclesiaste
Jeff H. Eckland
Shannon Eckman
Samuel J. Edmunds
Samantha Ellingson
Judy Engel
Jessica English
Carl Engstrom
John Erhart
Amy Erickson
Tess Erickson
Michael Ewald
Dean Eyler
Laura Farley
Audrey Fenske
Jody Ferris
Anna Finstrom
Kellen Fish
Caitlinrose Fisher
Fay Fishman
Michelle Fitch
Nicole Flaherty Cropper
Leah Flygare
Elizabeth Fors
Aaron Frederickson
Matthew Frerichs
Leigh Frost
Susan Gaertner
Michael Gale-Butto
Susan Gallagher
Patrisha Garger
Mark Geier
Payton George
Barton Gernander
Roy S. Ginsburg
Roy A. Ginsburg
Andrew Glasnovich
Laura Goforth
Sonseere Henton Goldenberg
Ania Gonzalez
Tim Goodman
Phillip Goter
Jewelie Grape
Kathryn Graves
David Gray
Kimberly Gray
Kathryn Grey
William Griffith
Anne Haaland
Laura Halferty
Isaac Hall
Cianna Halloran
Mark Hamel
Debra Hamilton
Thomas Hamlin
Yemaya Hanna
Loren Hansen
Thomas Hanson
Lindsey Hanson
Randall Hanson
William Hart
Elizabeth Drotning Hartwell
Jacob Hauschild
Wade Hauser
Andrea Hedtke
Morgan Helme
Kiley Henry
Sarah J. Hewitt
Jack Hicks
John R. "Rob" Hill
Melissa Hodge
Kayla Hoel
John Holden
Devon Holstad
Erica Holzer
Lousene Hoppe
William Howieson
Jennifer Huang
Brock Huebner
Jack Huerter
Mary Grace Hyland
Barbara Isaacman
Ishmael Israel
Sarah Jack
Cassandra Jacobsen
Andrew T. James
Jennifer Jameson
Alison Jarzyna
Karl Johnson
Kathryn Johnson
Katherine Johnson
Carly Johnson
Christopher R. Johnson
Bruce Jones
Elizabeth Juelich
Daniel Kadlec
Mike Kallas
Ben D. Kappelman
Phyllis Karasov
Nicolas Kaylor
Craig Kepler
Sam Ketchum
Nicole Kettwick
Jesse Kibort
Peter Kieselbach
Jason Kise
Kevin Kitchen
Rachel Kitze Collins
Jessica Klander
Jordan Kleist
Julie Knipschild Reynolds
Jessica Knox
Corey Kobbervig
John Koneck
Geoffrey Kozen
Tony Krall
Melissa Krasnow
Kyle Kroll
Amanda Kruse
Allison Kruse
John Kuehn
Logan Kugler
Laura Kvasnicka
Meaghan Kwan
David LaBerge
Ann Ladd
E. Joseph LaFave
Catherine M. LaGrange
Bryan Lake
Dimitrios Lalos
Peter Lancaster
Richard Landon
James Langdon
Carol Lansing
Stephanie Laws
Laurel Learmonth
Jorgen Lervick
Jacob Levine
Kenneth Levinson
Douglas Lewis, III
Leah Leyendecker
Steven Lindemann
Susan Link
Brian Linnerooth
Evan Livermore
Anne Lockner
Sam Logterman
James Long
Robert Long
Nathaniel Longley
Michele Loughrey Tschida
Samuel Louwagie
Sarah Lovegreen
Bethany Lovelace
Thomas Lovett
Stephen Lucke
Christopher Lynch
Leora Maccabee
Katherine MacKinnon
Scott Mah
Abigail Maier
Andrea Mallarino
Whitney Mark
Sharon Markowitz
John Marsalek
Cari Martell
John Marti
Kristen Marttila
Heather Marx
Mark Mathison
Laura Matson
Casey Matthiesen
Greta Mattison-Megna
Kelly Maxwell
Hannah McCallum
Virginia McCalmont
Michael McCormick
Peter McElligott
Zac McFarland
Pari McGarraugh
Chelsea McLean
Mackenzie McNaughton
Donald McNeil
Jill Meyer
Neil Meyer
William Michael
Ryan Mick
Tessa R. Mielke
Craig Miller
Austin Miller
Elena Modl
Paul Moe
Jordan Mogensen
Keith Moheban
Andrew Mohring
Adine S. Momoh
Caroline Moos
Stephen Morrison
Kailey Mrosak
Thomas Corwin Myers, IV
Paige Naig
Joshua Natzel
Florence Neale
Scott Neilson
Stuart Nelson
Charles Nelson
Daniel Nelson
Evan Nelson
Terrance Newby
Kathleen Newman
Dylan Nguyen
Sheila Niaz
John Nichols
Andrew Nick
Rakhi Nikhanj
Emily Niles
Michael Norton
Julian Nunally
Katherine Nyquist
Edgar Ocampo
Joshua Oie
Fred Ojile
Toni Ojoyeyi
David L. Olson
Rajin Olson
Sage O'Neil
Brigitt Orfield
Jordan Ortmeier
Adam Pabarcus
Michael Pacelli
Thomas Pack
Alexander Park
Gloria Park
Trevor Parkes
Jonathan Parritz
David Parry
Edward Peilen
Brian Peltier
Dennis Peterson
Emily Peterson
Karen Peterson
Ryan Petty
Christopher Pham
Todd Phelps
Michael Pignato
Steven Pincus
Alexis Pitz
Paul Plunkett
Joshua Poertner
Zachary Pratt
Jeffrey Proulx
Andrew Prunty
Charles Pults
Steven Quam
David Racine
Timothy Rahn
Denise Rahne
F. Matthew Ralph
Navin Ramalingam
Gabriel Ramirez-Hernandez
Melissa Raphan
Stephen C. Rathke
Alyssa Rebensdorf
Michael Reif
Julia Reiland
Donna Reuter
Calandra Revering
Greta Bauer Reyes
Brittany Riehm
Ruth Rivard
Marya Robben
David Robbins
Walter Rockenstein
Robert Rode
Jessica Roe
Jonathan Rogers
Mark Rosenfeld
Michael Rowe
Matthew Rubenstein
Steven Rubin
Kim Ruckdaschel-Haley
Christopher Ruska
Stephen Safranski
Marian Saksena
Gauri Samant
Aaron Sampsel
Jill Sauber
Mark Savin
Alyssa Schaefer
Karen Schanfield
Steven Schechtman
Stephen Schemenauer
Elizabeth Schenfisch
Philip Schenkenberg
Azure Schermerhorn Snyder
Eric Schilling
Steven Schleicher
Stephanie Schmid
Lindsey Schmidt
Joel Schroeder
Mary Scott
Shira Shapiro
Connor Shaull
Jared Shepherd
Eric R. Sherman
Mary Sherman Hill
Sarah Sicheneder
Sally Silk
George Singer
Gregory Singleton
Gregory Sisk
Rhonda Skoby
Stacey Slaughter
Sandra Smalley-Fleming
Michael Smith
Conor Smith
Chad Snyder
Richard Snyder
Shane Solinger
Rachael Stack
Janell Stanton
Byron Starns
Lloyd Stern
Jaime Stilson
Michael Stinson
Kristin Stock
Pat Stoneking
Lowell Stortz
John Stout
David Streier
Mary J. Streitz
John Strong
Natalie Stubbs
Keiko Sugisaka
James Susag
David P. Swanson
Amy Swedberg
David Tanabe
Kareem Tawfic
Joshua Taylor
Whitney Teel
Aaron Thom
Aaron Thomas
Joni Thome
Roxanne Thorelli
J Matthew Thornton
Tom Tinkham
Shana Tomenes
Robert Torgerson
Benjamin Tozer
Schuyler Troy
Evan Tsai
Joshua Turner
Hannah Tuttle
Zoey Twyford
Nicholas Tygesson
Jennifer Urban
Jonathan Van Horn
Sarah Vandelist
Jordan Vassel
Brandon Vaughn
Mark Vavreck
Eleanor Vincent
Royee Vlodaver
Morgan Voight
Benjamin Wagner
Thomas Wallrich
James Walston
Courtney Ward-Reichard
Matthew Webster
Michelle Weinberg
Amy Weisgram
Steven Wells
Steven Wellvang
Daniel Wetterstrom
Thomas Wheeler
Greta Wiessner
Claire Williams
Chantal Wilson
Joseph Wiltse
Todd Wind
Julia Wolfe
Allison Woodbury
Matthew L. Woods
Zachary Wright
Alina Yasis
Ryan Young
Josiah Young
RJ Zayed
Alysia Zens
Nathaniel Zylstra
We know many more of you could be recognized. Members who report their voluntary service will be recognized as North Star Lawyers and included on the annual roster insert published in the May/June Bench & Bar magazine, as well as in other recognition opportunities.
Certification of your 2023 pro bono hours can be recorded here starting in January 2024. Law firms with multiple North Star lawyers can also certify on their behalf. Email us for more information.