General Policy


This is a Committee of the MSBA Assembly and membership is generally limited to members of the Assembly. However, the Assembly may approve exceptions per the Bylaws.

  • Establish final MSBA positions on matters of public policy.
  • Submit questions concerning the substance of the law or the policy of the MSBA to advisory referendum of the membership pursuant to Article 5.  
  • Make a report or recommendation of a section or committee the action of the MSBA pursuant to § 12 or 14.
  • Establish the membership dues of the MSBA pursuant to § 1.4.
  • Approve a strategic plan of the MSBA 





Meeting Schedule

All meetings are currently being held via zoom.

The Committee meets on an as-needed basis prior to each MSBA Assembly meeting. The Assembly meets three to four times per year.





Sam Edmunds

Staff Liaison
Nancy Mischel 
(612) 278-6331