Suicide Awareness and Prevention

Lawyer Wellness CLE Series

Presented by Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers and co-sponsored by the Criminal Law, Civil Litigation, and Solo Small Practice Experience Sections

The stress lawyers face is a predictor for depression, and untreated depression is the #1 predictor for suicide. Lawyers must also deal with the fact that clients can be suicidal. This program will help you understand the facts and myths about suicide; recognize signs and indicators for clinical depression, anxiety, and suicide; and provide resources and a protocol for offering and seeking help to prevent suicide.

This CLE is approved for credit through July 7, 2025.

Joan Bibelhausen | LCL
Faith Amdahl | Amdahl Law Office

CLE Credits:
1.0 Elimination of Bias CLE Credit approved | Event Code: 488048

MSBA Members:  $29.95
Non-MSBA Members:  $64.95



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